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We Are


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The Oregon Biodynamic Group began in 1975. Our membership numbers 75 gardeners, homesteaders, and farmers from throughout Oregon and beyond.


The Oregon Biodynamic Group is 501c3 non-profit status.  A Board of Directors oversees the governance of the organization.


All are welcome to participate in our activities and receive email updates.  To become a non-voting general member either attend one of our meetings or contact us.  No prior experience with biodynamic ideas, farming or gardens necessary. The Oregon Biodynamic Group welcomes people of any race, age, sex, sexual orientation, creed, religion, national origin, ethnicity, and profession.

We hold at least 4 meetings per year open to general members and the public. The Spring, Summer, and Fall meetings are largely dedicated to the making of the biodynamic preparations.  These meetings provide a hands-on learning experience for all, free of charge. The Winter Meeting is focused around study, visioning, and business.  Our meeting calendar can be found here.


We have two active committees.


The Education Branch coordinates the Oregon Biodynamic Group’s educational events and activities, such as open houses, workshops, and field days.


The Preparation Making Branch coordinates the Oregon Biodynamic Group’s making, sale, and distribution of the biodynamic compost and spray and compound preparations.  They are committed to making high quality preparations based on their experience since 1975.


Our members have been very active in the larger biodynamic community including The Fellowship of Preparation MakersThe Biodynamic AssociationThe Josephine Porter Institute and other national and regional endeavors and events as they arise. 

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